Fair fees to suit any size of business.
You have full access to the suite of platform features and benefits for a base fee of 8%* on each order placed, including transaction costs. If you are a baker, artisan or catering business the base fee is 6%.
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No set-up fees
There are no fees to set up your business on Cookaborough. Our team will work with you to get your business up and running and you don’t pay a cent until you get an order.
No lock-in period
There are no lock-in contracts, you are free to stop using the platform at any time without incurring exit fees or. If you do decide to stop using the platform your data and customer details can be downloaded and taken with you.
We want you to thrive
Running a food business is hard work and margins tend to be thin. We are built specifically to be relevant for your type of business and to provide you with the features and functions you need to thrive and are nimble enough to respond to your ideas and requirements as they emerge.
*Please get in touch for full details on discounts and additions to this base rate.

What our customers say
“We were paying $130 per month for an email marketing function and $2500 per annum for food labelling software. Both these things are inbuilt in Cookaborough.”
Claudia, Dinner is Served, Byron Bay NSW