Beyond the shopfront at Eastwood’s of Bermagui
A local food store sets up a weekly prepared meals menu and never looks back.

Who: Eastwood’s Deli and Cooking School
Food business segment: Local Food Store
Location: Bermagui, NSW

Eastwood’s Deli and Cooking sets up a weekly menu to locals as an additional arm to the business. As a result her revenue grows, she connects more deeply with customers, her staff are happier and Kelly gets to be creative in the kitchen again.
Kelly loved creating new prepared meals every week for her foodie hub, but was chasing her tail doing it; predicting customer demand in store was a challenge, she’d have no insight as to who was buying her food, whether they bought it regularly and what - if any - appetite there was outside of her local radius or beyond the peak season.
Using Cookaborough’s functionality and weekly ‘batched’ model for their prepared meals, Eastwood’s was able to build this offering into the most profitable, reliable arm of their business, without the effort and headache that would normally go hand in hand with a new revenue stream for a food business.
Business Highlights
Extended Reach
Offering an efficient weekly delivery route for her weekly menu has enabled Kelly to build a large new customer database and offer meals to towns well outside her prior radius, including to older people on Home Care Packages who wouldn’t necessarily have been able to visit her in store.
Weekly cycle
Cooking 80+ weekly orders that are prepared as a batch, is a far more efficient process than taking a guess at what is likely to sell, crossing her fingers and stocking the shelves.
Larger Orders
Kelly’s average order size has grown to 4 meals and $100 per order, by using powerful data analytics to finesse her menu.
Reduced Costs
The efficiencies built into the platform allow Kelly and her team to work smarter, not harder by reducing the number of hours the store opens, while increasing revenue.
"I live in a seasonal town and wanted to set something up that was sustainable all year round. Since using Cookaborough we know exactly what we are in for each week."
— Kelly, Eastwoods
Key Features
A few features of the Cookaborough platform were of particularly high value to Eastwood’s for building their business and creating a smooth and efficient weekly process.